Recipe 7 – Selcoth Sunday Special

It has become such a staple meal for us that we almost didn’t include this recipe in our 52 Recipes in 52 Weeks Challenge which would have been a pity, because it is one of the most delicious, simple and easy ways to enjoy hot or cold smoked rainbow trout.

Selcoth Sunday Special is poached or scrambled eggs from Selcoth hens with Moffat Water Foods hot or cold smoked trout.  It is incredibly quick and easy to prepare and, if you are on a Dukan or other protein-orientated post-weekend detox, it is  the most perfect and guilt free way to finish off the weekend.

selcoth sunday special
Cold smoked rainbow trout with poached egg from our Selcoth hens.

Olly enjoying smoked trout
Olly tucking in, no Sunday Blues in sight.


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